Oliver Tate Brooks: Okay, Bill, interesting. Okay, I would say this. The rate of vaccination is somewhat lower in African Americans than the general population; approximately 50 percent of whites would say they're fully vaccinated versus 40 percent of Blacks. So that's a bit of a difference. However, African Americans are only 12 percent of the population. So you're talking about a small, relatively small population. So there is that disparity. And other data that was from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 70 percent of whites said that they already got vaccinated versus 65 percent. So the differences in the vaccination rates are not that great. So I would say that I don't think that information is accurate. I would also say, and you said this (inaudible), the other thing is that the way that this delta variant is spreading is not, well, it's partially obviously vaccinated versus unvaccinated, but mask wearing is huge. So if everyone wore a mask, 100 percent of people, and they were around other people, then you would have less spread. And the data shows that mask wearing has become partisan. The data shows that the majority of Republicans never wear a mask versus the majority of Democrats do. So honestly, here's the way I really look at that. Well, lastly, I'll say, 67 percent of the population in the United States are white. Okay, unvaccinated. So again, okay, here's where we go with all of that. All of that is more or less irrelevant, and this is why. The only way we're going to get to the other side of this pandemic is for us to get vaccinated and us to follow infection control, which is mask wearing. But there's a third element. Okay, the movie War of the Worlds, when we were being attacked by aliens, we all came together. We're talking about the 20th anniversary of 9/11. When 9/11 hit, the world came together in support of the United States. Our adversaries, if you will, Russia and China, I think sent good positive messages. The last thing is, the only way we're going to get to the other side of this pandemic is to work together, to come together as a nation, not Baltic states of whites, Blacks, poor, rural, whatever. That's not going to work. This is a worldwide pandemic. It's getting worse right now as opposed to getting better. And so I think that we need to think beyond that. Ultimately, if someone said that their next statement would be to me, well, how do I get more Blacks vaccinated, that's what I would want to hear, because as opposed if they really felt that way, the answer is not to point fingers, the answer is to make the problem better. It's a non-issue, but the deeper concern in that statement is the partisan divide, individualism, the lack of cohesiveness. We've got to get past that or this pandemic will not go away.
[00:54:11] Oliver Tate Brooks: Okay, Bill, interesting. Okay, I would say this. The rate of vaccination is somewhat lower in African Americans than the general population; approximately 50 percent of whites would say they're fully vaccinated versus 40 percent of Blacks. So that's a bit of a difference. However, African Americans are only 12 percent of the population. So you're talking about a small, relatively small population. So there is that disparity. And other data that was from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 70 percent of whites said that they already got vaccinated versus 65 percent. So the differences in the vaccination rates are not that great. So I would say that I don't think that information is accurate. I would also say, and you said this [inaudible], the other thing is that the way that this delta variant is spreading is not, well, it's partially obviously vaccinated versus unvaccinated, but mask wearing is huge. So if everyone wore a mask, 100 percent of people, and they were around other people, then you would have less spread. And the data shows that mask wearing has become partisan. The data shows that the majority of Republicans never wear a mask versus the majority of Democrats do. So honestly, here's the way I really look at that. Well, lastly, I'll say, 67 percent of the population in the United States are white. Okay, unvaccinated. So again, okay, here's where we go with all of that. All of that is more or less irrelevant, and this is why. The only way we're going to get to the other side of this pandemic is for us to get vaccinated and us to follow infection control, which is mask wearing. But there's a third element. Okay, the movie War of the Worlds, when we were being attacked by aliens, we all came together. We're talking about the 20th anniversary of 9/11. When 9/11 hit, the world came together in support of the United States. Our adversaries, if you will, Russia and China, I think sent good positive messages. The last thing is, the only way we're going to get to the other side of this pandemic is to work together, to come together as a nation, not Baltic states of whites, Blacks, poor, rural, whatever. That's not going to work. This is a worldwide pandemic. It's getting worse right now as opposed to getting better. And so I think that we need to think beyond that. Ultimately, if someone said that their next statement would be to me, well, how do I get more Blacks vaccinated, that's what I would want to hear, because as opposed if they really felt that way, the answer is not to point fingers, the answer is to make the problem better. It's a non-issue, but the deeper concern in that statement is the partisan divide, individualism, the lack of cohesiveness. We've got to get past that or this pandemic will not go away.
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El aislamiento. El hecho de que la gente esté lidiando con la soledad y eso aumente en momentos como estos significa que habrá mucho más estrés. Encontrar formas de conectarse con otros, ya sea en la unidad familiar, ya sea dentro de las organizaciones comunitarias a las que uno pertenece. Extender la mano realmente ayuda mucho. Esa es una buena pregunta, Lana.
Entonces, si hubiese algún tipo de reacción adversa, no habría una buena cobertura para el médico que lo habría hecho ni para el paciente que recibió la vacuna fuera de la recomendación formal. Diría que, en este momento, ni siquiera hay datos que digan que se necesita recibirla antes de los ocho meses. Mi recomendación es que, suponiendo que se apruebe, se sigan las recomendaciones, que probablemente serán ocho meses después de la segunda dosis.
Dr. Warren Hebert: Bill, gracias. Hero798, esa es una buena pregunta. De hecho, mi madre recibe atención médica domiciliaria. De hecho, le pregunté a la enfermera de admisiones si estaba vacunada o no. Ciertamente puede hacer la pregunta. Otra cosa que puede hacer es llamar a la empresa si se contrata a un cuidador formal. La mayoría de las empresas no le permitirán saber si esa persona está vacunada o no, pero el hecho de que esté haciendo la pregunta puede convertirse en una solicitud, para que la persona que va a la casa para cuidar de su madre, para que cuide de la persona mayor, o para cuidar de uno, puede solicitarle que envíe a alguien que esté vacunado.