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Cup Is Ready for Use! The History and Culture of Cups Around the World

Wondering if your little one is ready for sippy cups? There are a few milestones they should meet first and direct nursing should continue as long as you and your baby desire. Here's how to know if your little one is ready - and how to gradually introduce sippy cups into the feeding routine.

Cup Is Ready for Use!

You can give your baby a sippy cup when they start solid foods, around 6 months old. Signs your baby is developmentally ready for a sippy cup include being able to sit upright, having good neck control, and being interested in food.

*If your friend has given you less than a half cup of starter (though, really?), it's OK. Go ahead and follow these instructions anyway, using the small amount of starter you've received. Bottom line, once it's been established (as has your new arrival, courtesy of your friend), sourdough starter will survive and thrive under all manner of maintenance feedings (which is what you're giving it here). It's only when you want to bake naturally leavened bread with it (bread with no added commercial yeast) that you need to pay close attention to how much and when you feed your starter. For the details on readying your starter for baking naturally leavened bread, see Putting your starter to work.

Some people like to keep their starter on the counter, at room temperature, and feed it twice a day. The advantage is, your starter will be active and ready to bake when you are. The disadvantage? Well, having to feed it twice a day. I prefer the more flexible fridge routine.

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